Chapter 2: A simple configuration
In this chapter, we define and deploy a very simple Lability configuration.
Last tested: 2018-06-22
On this page
- Defining the configuration data
- Writing a DSC configuration
- Deploying a Lability DSC configuration
- Logging on to the VMs
- Lab exercises and files
Defining the configuration data
What is configuration data
Configuration data should be saved in a Powershell data file.
These files end in .psd1
and contain a Powershell hashtable.
In fact, the syntax is a subset of valid Powershell that can be imported safely -
specifically, dynamic code is not run, but static code is OK.
In practice, this means that you cannot define functions in,
or call them from,
a Powershell data file.
(Powershell configuration data is a bit like how JSON is a subset of valid JavaScript syntax.)
An example, generic data file might look like this:
Something = "Else"
ListOfThings = @(
PerhapsAHashtable = @{
Whatever = $True
Eight = 9
Configuration data files are commonly used in Powershell DSC (See Microsoft’s Using configuration data in DSC for some examples). DSC configuration data expects two keys:
, which contains information about “nodes” AKA hosts that Powershell DSC will configureNonNodeData
, which contains other information that is used in the DSC configuration
See ConfigurationData.SIMPLE.psd1 for the example we use in this chapter.
The AllNodes
In our example, we see just one child of the AllNodes
A hashtable where NodeName = 'CLIENT1'
indicating configuration specific to a host called CLIENT1
You can see that we define settings unique to our new VM, like what Windows media to install, how much RAM it has, and so forth.
The NonNodeData
We also see one child of the NonNodeData
the Lability
key, which contains data that is interpreted specially by Lability.
That key has the DSCResources
key under it,
which defines any non-default resources (discussed below) that we use in our configuration.
Defining DSCResources
this way is not required under some conditions,
but it is always recommended.
The Lability
as well as its DSCResources
is discussed further in Chapter 4.
Interpretation of configuration data
Powershell DSC uses configuration data like this in DSC Configuration blocks (discussed below).
DSC has a few special keys it knows about,
such as the PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword
key you can see in our example configuration data.
(This key does what you might expect -
it allows you to pass plaintext creds to the DSC configuration without throwing an error.)
Other keys are not special to DSC, but are special to Lability.
For instance, the Lability_Media
key determines what OS install media to use when building the VM.
For more information about all the keys that Lability interprets specially,
see the about_ConfigurationData
help topic.
Finally, other keys such as InterfaceAlias
or AddressFamily
are not treated specially at all,
and must be used in a DSC configuration block.
You can add any number of these keys and assign them any value you like,
but they are not used unless your DSC configuration references them explicitly.
DSC configuration blocks are discussed next.
Networking and the (lack of the) Lability_SwitchName
You can assign a Hyper-V VSwitch to a VM with the Lability_SwitchName
If that key is not present,
Lability falls back to a switch named Default Switch
See Hyper-V default switch for more information.
Writing a DSC configuration
The DSC configuration is stored in a regular Powershell script ending in .ps1
The configuration will apply DSC resources to the nodes you defined in your configuration data.
A DSC resource is a declaration of what the desired state of the node is.
Let’s break that down.
To apply a particular configuration to a node,
it is very common to select the nodes based on the node’s Role
which is defined in the configuration data.
For instance, in our Configure.SIMPLE.ps1 example configuration that we use in this chapter,
we declare the configuration for our CLIENT1
node in a block that looks like this:
node $AllNodes.Where({$_.Role -in 'CLIENT'}).NodeName {
... snip ...
That uses a Powershell expression to only apply to nodes we gave the CLIENT
If we had defined other nodes in our configuration data that did not have this role,
none of the configuration in that block would apply to them.
Inside of that block we have resource declarations,
which declare the desired state for the node.
For instance, at the bottom of our node
we can see the following:
xComputer 'Hostname' {
Name = $node.NodeName;
This renames the computer using the xComputer
Deploying a Lability DSC configuration
Once the configuration data and configuration itself have been written, all that remains is to deploy the configuration. This is simple to do from Powershell.
You can see the Deploy-SIMPLE.ps1 script in its entirety below. I typically write a short script like this to help me deploy the lab. However, in this section, I use commands that accomplish the same thing that can be typed directly into a Powershell prompt. The script is more repeatable, but the commands listed below are easier to dissect.
Build the DSC MOF files:
First, build the DSC MOF files:
$configData = ".\ConfigurationData.SIMPLE.psd1"
. Configure.SIMPLE.ps1
& SimpleConfig -ConfigurationData $configData -OutputPath $env:LabilityConfigurationPath -Verbose
This results in MOF files in the $env:LabilityConfigurationPath
(Note that Lability sets that environment variable when you import the module.)
Lability will copy each node’s MOF file to the node’s VHD,
and start Powershell DSC to apply the configuration in the compiled MOF file when the VM boots.
Start the lab configuration
Then, start the lab configuration.
Note that the -Password
argument is used as the local administrator password
for every VM in your lab.
$adminPassword = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Admin password"
Start-LabConfiguration -ConfigurationData $configData -Verbose -Password $adminPassword
Start-Lab -ConfigurationData $configData -Verbose
The Start-LabConfiguration
command does quite a lot:
- Downloads any Windows trial media to
if they do not already exist there (this can take a long time!) - Downloads any DSC resources or other necessary for the configuration to
- Creates virtual hard disk images (VHD or VHDX files) to use as virtual disks for lab VMs
- Installs Windows to these images offline (without having to start the VMs),
and saves the results to
. This means that once you have used a lab VM with a given OS once, for any lab, any new lab can use the VM without having to install Windows again. - Applies any customizations to copies of these master virtual disks and saves them to
, embedding the Powershell DSC configuration we wrote above so that it gets automatically applied when the machine boots.
The first time you run Start-LabConfiguration
on your lab,
it may take quite some time to download the ISOs and install Windows.
However, after this has been done once, subsequent runs are much faster -
typically this step takes less than a minute on my machine.
Finally, the Start-Lab
command starts the VMs in Hyper-V.
WARNING: A pending reboot is required
Note that you may want to pass -IgnorePendingReboot
to Start-LabConfiguration
uses a DSC module behind the scenes called xPendingReboot
to determine whether you need to reboot your system before it can deploy.
For issues such as pending Windows Update reboots,
this is pretty important and you should reboot before continuing.
However, it also checks for pending file renames.
These can happen if something has attempted to rename or delete a locked file.
Windows can schedule the rename/delete to happen at next boot,
You can pass -IgnorePendingReboot
to Start-LabConfiguration
and the Deploy-SIMPLE.ps1
script accepts an argument of the same name
which it passes to Start-LabConfiguration
if present.
(See Pending Reboot for more information about pending reboot warnings.)
Wait for the Hyper-V VMs to come up
That said, even when the commands return, there is still some waiting to do. When the VMs in our lab get started, Windows needs to come up and do its first boot configuration, and after that the DSC configuration you wrote is applied automatically as well.
You cannot log on to a VM using the Hyper-V GUI until the DSC configuration has fully applied successfully.
For a simple case like the one in this example, the VM might come up just a few minutes after being started. However, for more complex configurations that involve multiple VMs communicating, such as creating a domain and joining other VMs to it, it might take a long time for the DSC configuration to apply completely, and therefore the VMs might not be available for a long time.
Logging on to the VMs
Once all of the VMs are showing the logon screen in Hyper-V Manager, you can simply double click on the VM to get to a logon screen.
Unless your DSC configuration specifically added others,
the only user on your VM will be the default local Administrator account.
Type Administrator
for the username and use the password you selected earlier to log on.
Lab exercises and files
Deploy the lab, either typing the commands on a Powershell prompt or running the
script. -
Wait for the VM to come up (to show working Lability and DSC configurations)
Log on to the VM using Hyper-V Manager and Hyper-V Console
Launch a browser and visit a website from the VM (to show a working network configuration)
If you get stuck, see Chapter 3: Debugging.
AllNodes = @(
NodeName = 'CLIENT1';
Role = 'CLIENT';
InterfaceAlias = 'Ethernet';
AddressFamily = 'IPv4';
Lability_Media = 'WIN10_x64_Enterprise_EN_Eval';
Lability_ProcessorCount = 1;
Lability_StartupMemory = 2GB;
PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword = $true;
NonNodeData = @{
Lability = @{
DSCResource = @(
@{ Name = 'xComputerManagement'; RequiredVersion = ''; }
@{ Name = 'xNetworking'; RequiredVersion = ''; }
Configuration SimpleConfig {
param ()
Import-DscResource -Module PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Import-DscResource -Module xComputerManagement -ModuleVersion
Import-DscResource -Module xNetworking -ModuleVersion
# Common configuration for all nodes
node $AllNodes.Where({$_.Role -in 'CLIENT'}).NodeName {
# Configure the DSC LocalConfigurationManager (LCM)
# In general, Lability configs will use an LCM section like this
# Details for configuring the LCM can be found at
# <>
LocalConfigurationManager {
RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true;
AllowModuleOverwrite = $true;
ConfigurationMode = 'ApplyOnly';
# Enable ICMP ECHO (aka ping) requests over IPv4
xFirewall 'FPS-ICMP4-ERQ-In' {
Name = 'FPS-ICMP4-ERQ-In';
DisplayName = 'File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-In)';
Description = 'Echo request messages are sent as ping requests to other nodes.';
Direction = 'Inbound';
Action = 'Allow';
Enabled = 'True';
Profile = 'Any';
# Enable ICMP ECHO (aka ping) requests over IPv6
xFirewall 'FPS-ICMP6-ERQ-In' {
Name = 'FPS-ICMP6-ERQ-In';
DisplayName = 'File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv6-In)';
Description = 'Echo request messages are sent as ping requests to other nodes.';
Direction = 'Inbound';
Action = 'Allow';
Enabled = 'True';
Profile = 'Any';
# Set the VM's hostname
xComputer 'Hostname' {
Name = $node.NodeName;
[CmdletBinding()] Param(
[SecureString] $AdminPassword = (Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Admin password"),
[string] $ConfigurationData = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath ConfigurationData.SIMPLE.psd1),
[string] $ConfigureScript = (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath Configure.SIMPLE.ps1),
[string] $DscConfigName = "SimpleConfig",
[switch] $IgnorePendingReboot
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Import-Module -Name Lability
. $ConfigureScript
& $DscConfigName -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData -OutputPath $env:LabilityConfigurationPath -Verbose
Start-LabConfiguration -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData -Path $env:LabilityConfigurationPath -Verbose -Password $AdminPassword -IgnorePendingReboot:$IgnorePendingReboot
Start-Lab -ConfigurationData $ConfigurationData -Verbose