
What the nodes have to say about themselves




An interface to localhost running Linux.

Package Contents

class progfiguration.localhost.LocalhostLinux(nodename='localhost')

An interface to localhost running Linux.

Maintains a cache of files it has read before.

Generally, roles should use the .localhost attribute of a progfiguration.inventory.Inventory object, rather than instantiating this class themselves. That said, nothing bad will happen with multiple instances of this class.

property uptime: float

Return system uptime in seconds


Return the umask as integer

Only works on Linux … how the fuck is this not part of the standard library? <>

get_file_contents(path: progfiguration.progfigtypes.AnyPathOrStr, chomp=True, refresh=False)

Retrieve file contents

path: The path to retrieve chomp: Remove leading/trailing whitespace refresh: Ignore cache if any

chown(path: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, owner: int | str | None, group: int | str | None, recursive=False)

Change the owner and/or group of a file or directory

A convenience function that can handle any combination of owner and group.

set_file_contents(path: progfiguration.progfigtypes.AnyPathOrStr, contents: str, owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int | None = None, dirmode: int | None = None)

Set the contents of a file, creating it if necessary.

makedirs(path: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int | None = None)

Create a directory and its parents, with the specified owner/group/mode.

cp(src: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, dest: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int | None = None, dirmode: int | None = None)

Copy a file or directory, creating the destination if necessary, with the specified owner/group/mode.

_template_backend(template: type, src: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, dest: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, template_args: Dict[str, Any], owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int | None = None, dirmode: int | None = None)

Template a file using the appropriate backend

template(src: str, dest: str, template_args: Dict[str, Any], owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int | None = None, dirmode: int | None = None)

Template a file using Python’s string.Template class.

temple(src: str, dest: str, template_args: Dict[str, Any], owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int | None = None, dirmode: int | None = None)

Template a file using the Temple class.

The Temple class is very similar to string.Template, but does not require escaping dollar sign variables, which are used in shell scripts and therefore pretty common in progfiguration templates.

linesinfile(file: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, lines: List[str], create_owner: str | None = None, create_group: str | None = None, create_mode: int | None = None, create_dirmode: int | None = None, trailing_newline: bool = True)

Ensure all lines in the input list exist in a file.

Inspired by Ansible’s lineinfile module, but simpler and less featureful


file: The file to modify lines: The lines to ensure are in the file create_owner: If the file does not exist, create it with this owner create_group: If the file does not exist, create it with this group create_mode: If the file does not exist, create it with this mode create_dirmode: If the file does not exist, create its parent directory with this mode

If the file does not exist and at least one of create_owner or create_group is specified, the file will be created with the specified owner and group, and the specified mode.

touch(file: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, owner: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, mode: int = 438, dirmode: int | None = None)

Create an empty file.

If the file already exists, update its mtime.

Set the owner/group/mode, if specified, regardless of whether the file already exists.

If any parent dirs do not exist, create them as owned by owner/group with specified dirmode. (If parent dirs do exist, do not change their owners.)

get_user_primary_group(user: str)

Get the primary group for a user.

Use the id command because it is POSIX compliant and works with non-local users and groups like LDAP etc.

write_sudoers(path: progfiguration.progfigtypes.PathOrStr, contents: str)

Write a sudoers file.

The file is written to a temporary file and then moved into place.

You can write to /etc/sudoers this way, but it is recommended to write to /etc/sudoers.d/SOMEFILE instead.