progfigsite.groups Module

This module should contain a separate Python file for each group. For instance:


Note that all nodes are members of the universal group.

Group files

Each group file should contain a dict named group. Groups are only used for variable definitions, so the only thing inside each group is a mapping of group names to variable values.

For instance, the node defined in example_site.groups.group1:

"""Example group"""

group = dict(
            "timezone": "UTC",

Group secret files with AgeSecretStore


Information in this section only applies to AgeSecretStore

This section only applies to sites that use the progfiguration.sitehelpers.agesecrets.AgeSecretStore secret storage implementation. It’s what ships with progfiguration core so it’s the easiest to get started with, but other secret storage backends will work differently.

If a group has secrets encrypted with progfiguration encrypt, they will be stored in a file named <group name>.secrets.json in the groups package.

Group secrets are encrypted with the public key of each member node.

When you add a node to a group with existing secrets, you must re-encrypt the secrets file so that it can be decrypted by the new node. You can do this with progfigsite decrypt ... | progfigsite encrypt .... TODO: Add a single command to re-encrypt a group’s secrets.

The universal group

The universal group is a special group that all nodes are members of. It is used to define variables and secrets that are common to all nodes.