progfigsite inventory module

Required attributes and function calls


You must call this function to tell progfiguration core the name of the package. This must happen before any progfiguration core functions are called. See also progfiguration.sitewrapper.set_progfigsite_by_module_name().


An implementation of the progfiguration.inventory.invstores.HostStore protocol. Progfiguration core ships with progfiguration.sitehelpers.memhosts.MemoryHostStore which can be instantiated directly, or via progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.hosts_conf() and a configuration file. Sites are free to implement their own alternative.


An implementation of the progfiguration.inventory.invstores.SecretStore protocol. Progfiguration core ships with progfiguration.sitehelpers.agesecrets.AgeSecretStore, which can be instantiated directly, or via progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.secrets_conf() and a configuration file. Sites are free to implement their own alternative.


A function that takes no arguments and returns a valid pip version number.

This function should return a new version number, suitable for the next build of the pacakge. (This is different from the get_version() function in progfigsite root members, which returns the current version number.)

Progfiguration core ships with progfiguration.sitehelpers.siteversion.mint_version_factory_from_epoch(), which will return a function that uses the epoch time in the version number. Some implementations might prefer to implement their own mint_version(), perhaps to pull the version number from an environment variable injected by a CI service, etc.

progfigsite inventory.conf File

An inventory.conf file is not technically part of progfiguration core, but it can be used with progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.hosts_conf() and progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.secrets_conf() to create a host store and secrets store respectively.

Here’s an example from example_site:

# The controller has an age key which can be used to decrypt any secret.
# When this file is not present, progfiguration will still work,
# but activities that require the secret key will throw errors.
controller_age_path = /path/to/controller.age

# We must hard code the public key in this file as well,
# so that it is available even when we aren't running on the controller.
controller_age_pub = paste the public key here

# The default/fallback location for the age key on each node.
node_fallback_age_path = /path/to/node.age

# Assign group membership
# You can specify more than one group by separating items with newlines or spaces
group1 = node1

# group2 = node1 node2 node3

# Assign each node to a function.
# WARNING: Any node not listed here will not be visible to progfiguration,
# meaning that it cannot be deployed to, will not be in the 'universal' group, etc.
node1 = func1

# Set the list of roles for each function
# Roles can be separated by newlines or spaces
func1 = settz
# func2 = settz otherrole asdf etc

# TODO: fall back to this role so that we don't have to place new nodes in role_function_map
# and they will still come up.
default = settz

By itself, that inventory file does nothing, but when referenced in the site’s inventory module it generates the host and secret stores. Here is the inventory module from example_site:

"""Inventory module.

Must call :meth:`progfiguration.sitewrapper.set_progfigsite_by_module_name` in this module.

May use helper functions like
:meth:`progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.hosts_conf` and
to create the hoststore and secretstore.

from progfiguration import sitewrapper
from progfiguration.sitehelpers import siteversion
from progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf import hosts_conf, secrets_conf

# The progfigsite package must be set before calling anything else from progfiguration core.

hoststore = hosts_conf("inventory.conf")
"""The hoststore for the site

The :meth:`progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.hosts_conf` function
returns a :class:`progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.MemoryHostStore`.
The path we pass to it can be included in the site package
and found relative to the site package root.

secretstore = secrets_conf("inventory.conf")
"""The secretstore for the site

The :meth:`progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.secrets_conf` function
returns a :class:`progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.AgeSecretStore`.
Note that we pass it the same config file -- it reads different sections.

mint_version = siteversion.mint_version_factory_from_epoch(major=1, minor=0)
"""A function that generates a new version when it's called.

Set it from :meth:`sitehelpers.siteversion.mint_version_factory_from_epoch`,
which returns a ``mint_version()`` implementation
that returns f"{maj}.{min}.{epoch}".

Sites can write their own ``mint_version()`` if they wish,
perhaps pulling the version from a build number in a CI system.

Inventory without inventory.conf

As noted, you can instantiate the HostStore and SecretStore classes yourself, as in this example.

"""Inventory module.

Must call :meth:`progfiguration.sitewrapper.set_progfigsite_by_module_name` in this module.

May use helper functions like
:meth:`progfiguration.sitehelpers.invconf.hosts_conf` and
to create the hoststore and secretstore.

from pathlib import Path

from progfiguration import sitewrapper
from progfiguration.sitehelpers.agesecrets import AgeSecretStore
from progfiguration.sitehelpers.memhosts import MemoryHostStore

# The progfigsite package must be set before calling anything else from progfiguration core.

# Use progfiguration core to create an inventory
hoststore = MemoryHostStore(
    groups={"group1": ["node1"]},
    node_function_map={"node1": "func1"},
        "func1": ["settz"],
        "default": ["settz"],
"""The site's inventory"""

secretstore = AgeSecretStore(
    # This pubkey matches the private key we keep in the package directory.
        # Let the unit tests find controller.age in this file's parent directory.
        # Normally you would not want to keep it here,
        # as it would mean your controller key is in version control.
        (Path(__file__).parent.parent / "controller.age").as_posix(),
        # An example default value, not used in our unit tests
"""The method for storing secrets."""

def mint_version() -> str:
    """Mint a new version number

    This function is called by progfiguration core to generate a version number.
    It may be called by site-specific code as well.
    It should return a string that is a valid pip version number.
    (If you are also building other packages like RPMs,
    make sure to use a version number that is valid for all of them.)
    from datetime import datetime

    dt = datetime.utcnow()
    epoch = int(dt.timestamp())
    version = f"1.0.{epoch}"
    return version