
Progfiguration site wrapper

We keep a Python package path to the progfigsite module in progfiguration/ Using that, wrapper functions in this module can find and import the module. If we can’t find a module with that path, raise ProgfigsiteModuleNotFoundError.

Provide functions for retrieving site-specific resources, including submodules and data files. All progfiguration core code should use these functions to access site resources.



A private cache for the sitewrapper module



Raised when the progfigsite module was not set


Raised when the progfigsite module cannot be found


get_progfigsite(→ Tuple[str, types.ModuleType])

Return a tuple of the progfigsite module name and module

set_progfigsite_by_filepath(filepath, module_name)

Set the progfigsite module by its filesystem path.


Set the progfigsite module by its module name.

site_modpath(→ str)

The full path to a site submodule

site_submodule(→ types.ModuleType)

The Python module for a given site submodule

site_submodule_resource(submodule_path, resource_name)

A resource from a site submodule

get_progfigsite_path(→ pathlib.Path)

The filesystem path to the progfigsite package

Package Contents

exception progfiguration.sitewrapper.ProgfigsiteModuleNotSetError

Bases: ModuleNotFoundError

Raised when the progfigsite module was not set

exception progfiguration.sitewrapper.ProgfigsiteModuleNotFoundError

Bases: ModuleNotFoundError

Raised when the progfigsite module cannot be found

progfiguration.sitewrapper._sitewrapper_cache: Dict[str, Any]

A private cache for the sitewrapper module

Should only be accessed by getters and setters in the sitewrapper module.

progfiguration.sitewrapper.get_progfigsite() Tuple[str, types.ModuleType]

Return a tuple of the progfigsite module name and module



If the progfigsite module was not set

progfiguration.sitewrapper.set_progfigsite_by_filepath(filepath: pathlib.Path, module_name: str)

Set the progfigsite module by its filesystem path.



The path to the module, eg “/path/to/”.


The name of the module, eg “example_site”.

Should match the package name so that ‘import module_name.submodule’ works.

progfiguration.sitewrapper.set_progfigsite_by_module_name(module_name: str)

Set the progfigsite module by its module name.

The module must already be present in the Python path.

progfiguration.sitewrapper.site_modpath(submodule_path: str) str

The full path to a site submodule

submodule_path: The path to the submodule, relative to the site package.

This can be an empty string for the site package itself, or a dotted path to a submodule. E.g. “”, “nodes”, “nodes.example_node”

progfiguration.sitewrapper.site_submodule(submodule_path: str) types.ModuleType

The Python module for a given site submodule

submodule_path: The path to the submodule, relative to the site package.

This can be an empty string for the site package itself, or a dotted path to a submodule. E.g. “”, “nodes”, “nodes.example_node”

ModuleNotFoundError: If the submodule does not exist

(not ImportError!)

progfiguration.sitewrapper.site_submodule_resource(submodule_path: str, resource_name: str)

A resource from a site submodule

Similar to site_submodule(), but returns a resource from the submodule.

submodule_path: The path to the submodule, relative to the site package.

This can be an empty string if the resource is in the site package itself, or a dotted path to a submodule. E.g. “”, “nodes”, “nodes.example_node”

resource_name: The name of the resource file.

E.g. “inventory.yml”, “secrets.yml”

ModuleNotFoundError: If the submodule does not exist

(not ImportError!)

progfiguration.sitewrapper.get_progfigsite_path() pathlib.Path

The filesystem path to the progfigsite package


The path to the progfigsite package, as a string.