The progfigsite shim

This shim is a thin wrapper around the progfiguration.cli.progfiguration_site_cmd.main(). It makes sure that the static include directory is in the Python path, and then calls the main function.

It’s the entrypoint for the progfigsite command in pyproject.toml.

It should be copied unchanged into your project under <package_root>/cli/

"""The progfigsite command.

This is required.

def ensure_staticinclude():
    """Ensure that the static include directory is in the Python path.

    If progfiguration is installed as a statically included package,
    then it will find it there first.
    This means it will work from inside a progfiguration+progfigsite pip package.

    If it's installed as a system package, then it will find it there as well.
    This means it will work if you `pip install -e '.[development]'`.

    from pathlib import Path
    import sys

    staticinclude_dir = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "builddata" / "static_include"
    if staticinclude_dir.as_posix() not in sys.path:
        sys.path.insert(0, staticinclude_dir.as_posix())

def main():


    from progfiguration import sitewrapper
    from progfiguration.cli import progfiguration_site_cmd
